// Based on some code fragments at: // http://www.codecomments.com/JScript/message294790.html // Use like this: boundsOfObject(document.getElementById("k-26FF13A42F7911D9B573")) function boundsOfObject(aElm) { if (!aElm) return false; var x = aElm.offsetLeft; var y = aElm.offsetTop; var w = aElm.offsetWidth; var h = aElm.offsetHeight; // WHEN DO I NEED TO, OR NOT NEED TO, TRAVERSE THE PARENTS.... var lParent = aElm.parentNode; var log = aElm + " : " + x + "," + y + " ... "; while (lParent && typeof lParent.offsetLeft != "undefined") { log = log + " parent : " + lParent + " : " + lParent.offsetLeft + ", " + lParent.offsetTop + "; "; x += lParent.offsetLeft; y += lParent.offsetTop; lParent = lParent.offsetParent; } return x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + " " + log; } // Get border of element and set to special highlighted state function activateHilite(aElm) { if (!aElm) return; aElm.style.border = '2px ridge #6badef'; aElm.style.margin = '-2px'; } // Take out border, de-hiliting. function deactivateHilite(aElm) { if (!aElm) return; aElm.style.border = 'none'; aElm.style.margin = '0'; } // Based on code fragments at: // http://www.codelifter.com/main/javascript/capturemouseposition1.html // Returns the scroll position (relative to top,left) function scrollOffset() { var dx = document.body.scrollLeft; var dy = document.body.scrollTop; return dx + "," + dy; } function viewSize() { var x = document.body.clientWidth; var y = document.body.clientHeight; return x + "," + y; } // Mouse position: see // http://evolt.org/article/Mission_Impossible_mouse_position/17/23335/?format=print